Saturday 27 October 2012

Grimsby Part 3

END GAME The game was played with using thirty minute game turns, the Prussians advanced on at 8:30 starting the game and as the evening came along both sides were pushing or holding for there objectives before it go to dark. On the southern flank there were exchanges of fire and combat with the main points being a mad French cavalry charge against cannon causing the cannon destroyed but the cavalry being shaken. Lee attacking the southern most building shaking the unit inside but bouncing off. In the middle Lee and the gent from the club pushed hard in the middle sending most of there units forward trying to get into the building (which was an objective) mainly the cannon causing mass damage, I reacted by sending my infantry and skirmishers forward getting all of Lees cannons but leaving the skirmishers facing down a barrel of a (lots) gun. Leaving them with a break test at minus seven (bye bye). I had a machine gun sat in the middle waiting all game for a target so on the last turn a charged it forward to cause major havoc to the Prussians warning them of the pain they were about to get, got it range cranked the handle and it broke of in his hand (rolled a 1). Not much laughter and finger pointing from the other generals and I did not swear!!!. On the northern flank Bailey charged in with his mass of units smashing into Bob whose line broke and he fell back to form another line. His orders were to hold at all cost so he prepared for the worst and Bailey along with the Grimsby gent smashed into is line again and blew it apart failing his orders (shot in the morning for misconduct I think). The game came to a close at eight due to lack of light with the French still holding two of the three objectives giving them the win! After the battle not many French were left and given another turn or two I think the Prussians numbers would have pushed the French of the table. In truth Bobs holding of the north flank was masterful piece of game play holding for longer than he should. As with all games some bad order rolls by Bailey and others turned the game about. Lee's purple dice at the start of the game never missed and I sent spies to steal them but they were shot. The cavalry going south caused some of Lees units to turn and face them leaving his push in the middle that bit harder. A very great game played with like minded people wanting to enjoy the game for what it was. With some discussions about rules, moves etc being done in a good way. Even if they were all laughing at my machine gun balls up. A big thank you must go to Malc and Dave and all at Grimsby for putting on a great game with suburb scenary and miniatures, roll on the next one.

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