Tonights game was a small game of Blitzkrieg commander put on by Bob using his 6mm armies and scenery. Me and John were the Germans attacking an estuary and Bob was the Russians trying to protect it. Game started with both armies rushing towards the middle. The tanks classed first with John getting first blood on one of Bobs T34. The Germans got into a strong position in the town and started to bring down some accurate artillery on the Russian troops. Bob then tryed to force his way in to the city but was pushed back and held. Bob only got one round of artillery to land on target and got his first and only kill. Good game with a clear win to the Germans, blitzkrieg commander plays nice and simple especially with small scale. Time to get cold war commander I think. Cheers
A record of Ste's (Dad) and Bailey's (Son) miniature war gaming, painting and playing. Both of us are members of Manchester Area Wargames Society (MAWS) and play most Monday nights.
Tuesday, 30 October 2012
Saturday, 27 October 2012
Grimsby Part 2
After lunch break the battle intensified with a lot more of the Prussian units coming on. The French cavalry harassed the southern flank but did not cause much damage even with a mad charge into a Prussian rear which caused damage but ending with them going of the wrong table edge to avoid a pounding. The southern building was occupied by Robs French and the woods in front with Lee pushing into them, hand to hand was fought in and around with a couple of units on either side shaken our broken but no major gains on either side. In the middle there was exchanges of ranged fire with the French and Prussians rotating units within the buildings when shaken, neither side wishing to come out of cover yet and get caught in the middle. On the northern edge the Prussians were pushing forward against Bob with more units coming on all the time, he held the building and woods but started to get pushed back.
Grimsby Part 1.
Today me and Bailey along with Rob, Bob and Lee were invited over to Grimsby's war gaming club. They have there own building and it is amazing with there own storage and gaming tables. Dave and Malc put on a large black powder game from the Franco - Prussian war. All the miniatures were 28mm and the table was 18 by 6 foot long, which was all set up on arrival. Two other players from the Grimsby club joined in. (Was a real battle fought in the war, with the correct units).
Game set up.
Each player received an envelope giving them there side, units, time of arrival, objectives etc.
Me, Bob and Rob got the smaller French side trying to hold the town, Bailey, Lee and two others were given the larger Prussian forces arriving at timed intervals trying to push the French out.
Early Game.
The French deployed in the town and along the eastern flank. The Prussians came on along the west flank and north west flank with a few units at a time. Some exchanges of fire with no major damage done to either side. The Prussians under Lee took the middle building and formed a line along the western flank waiting for more units to arrive before there push. The French sent some cavalry down the east flank then along the southern side of the table. Bobs units went north and held the building with the Prussians trying to force them back down.
Break for Grimsby fish and chips. ( not very Franco Prussian war but very nice!!! )
Grimsby Part 3
Cold War Commander
At the Grimsby gaming club while we were playing our game there was a game of cold war commander going on. The Russians were attacking a smaller British force. Had to take some photos of these exceptional 6mm miniatures and terrain, the air units looked great.
Tuesday, 23 October 2012
WW2 Germans
New WW2 German heavy weapons teams from plastic soldier company, we really like the MG42 teams. So the Germans have three heavy mortars, three medium mortars, six panzerschrecks , three MG42s and six panzerfaust. Planning on playing Bolt Action with them.
Monday, 22 October 2012
Campaign Battle
Me and Bailey are in a campaign run by Lee at MAWS. Me, Bailey, Les and Rob are playing the French invading Spain in the Napoleonic wars. Jeff, Bob, Mark and Bruce playing the British and Spanish and Andy playing for Portuguese.
A brief history, there has been a few battles with wins and loses on both sides, the French are pushing on Madrid with British and Spanish holding the surrounding area and the city. Another French and British corps are facing of at each other on the north coast. Can not go into to much detail as those spying British may sneak a look!! Ha Ha.
Tonight's game was a continuing encounter over a village on the road north west of Madrid, The Last battle was fought over the village with the Spanish taking heavy casualties and falling back to Madrid. The British staying in the village and the French pulling back after not gaining the village and taking casualties. Battle was classed as a draw.
The Battle.
Bob leading the British (helped by Mark) were to hold the village and force the French back. Bailey leading the French (helped by Ste & Rob) were to force the British out of the village and advance on Madrid.
The terrain on the table meant the road up the middle was narrow with thick woods and hills on the sides causing slow movement in open order for the French to advance against the British with fortified positions in the village.
The French advanced the cannons up the middle and sent infantry up the flanks the canon exchanged fire most of the game but not many casualties caused due to long range exchange's. The left flank was a skirmish clash with the 95th rifle being destroyed and a unit of highlanders getting caught by the French. On the right flank there was a thick battle of shooting and close combat raging back and fourth with I think one unit of British and one French being destroyed and a lot of casualties and shaken markers being put down. Near the end of the game Bailey did a large cavalry charge trying to force the battle with a British mortar being destroyed and receiving casualties himself but no units being broken. The game ran out of time being called a draw with the French holding the high ground around the village but the British holding strong in the village. The French had far more numbers but could not bring the numbers on in any force.
It was a great tense game which could have gone either way right to the end, a lot of shaken units on both sides. The British were still in a lot of cover but the French still had a lot of units not in contact.
A big thank you from all players to Lee for running the campaign and providing most of the scenery and lovely figures.