Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Game, Operation squad.

Me and B went to our local gaming club last night and played a game of Operation squad, me and B (sen) played using Germans and B (son) played with R using the Russians. No scenario just a kill all you see.
This was my first real game with the rules and really enjoyed them, the actions and reactions played well when you got up close and personal. The Russians took some early casualties but managed to get some back and caused some soldiers to carry wounds. The Russians got to there break point and did there moral saves which sore more than half the remaining flee the field of play. At this point we called the game with a German victory. All models fully painted and all my scenery, get in.


Me and B went to the Phalanx show in St Helen's at the weekend. Great show with lots of demo games and stalls selling all your war gaming needs.
I managed to pick up some scenery mainly but did pick up a new navel ancients game. B spent most of his spends on more Napoleonic 1:72 for black powder. Had a great time and played in a gladiator game and won a roman coin, then beat up some zombies in a game using sewers. My sniping was some of the best shooting I have ever seen, two shots - killed driver of an armoured car then got the gunner.

In the Arena
B waits to open up!

Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Battle Ship

Last night at our gaming club me and B played a navel battle game against R. The rules (written by him) and models used were R's. The game was an engagment by a Russian fleet (us) and a Japanese fleet (him) in the year 1904ish. The Russian objective was to destroy three transport ships.
Game rules to begin with seemed complicated but once you got going they were easy to follow, it took some thinking to wotk out were your fleet and his fleet were going to meet as speed and course change took time and went in slight arcs as you would expect in a real manover. Shooting was done on a damge chart and each ship had pips of damage. What we liked was whoever won inititative picked who went first (normally your opponent) but who won initative fired first which worked out as a real advantage.

Russian fleet had 3 battleships, 1 crusier and a couple of destroyers.
Japanesse fleet had  2 battleships, 4 crusiers some destroyers and a couple of torpedo boats.

After a few hours of gaming and help from R we called the game. Me and B are claiming a moral victory becasue the transports were sunk but at a terrible cost the fleet (we only had one battleship left limping home and had sunk some torpedo boats).

Two fleets face off

Russian Fleet

Two Fleets meet.

1:3000 Ship
 Thanks R for a great game.

Saturday, 4 June 2011

Operation Squad Game

Me and B played our first game of operation squad tonight, played nice but getting used to the reactions will take some getting use to.
A small German unit advanced on to a Russian position and meet some stiff shooting but in the end the Germans managed to push the Russians out of the village.

Germans Advance

Russians defend the house

Final German push

WWII Germans

20mm Germans are also now all painted up now to give the Russians a game over some unnamed Russian village.


WWII Russians

Russian 20mm miniatures are now painted up. 57 models with Rifles, SMGs & MG's.
Just need to get a game in with them.





Clout Game

S & B had a quick game of Clout, first game in a few years.
Clout is a chip throwing game were chips have different abilities and are placed on the table by throwing them. Each chip has a range and combat is resolved using the different abilities on each chip.
S played using Elves with B bringing out the Undead. Game played good with S winning 8 points to 5.

 Game End

Example Chip

Dead Pile

Corn Field

Some small sections of a door mat cut up to use as corn fields.

Base of Confederates shown in picture.